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Home      Products     Peptides       TB-500 (Thymosin Beta-4) 10mg
  • TB-500 (Thymosin Beta-4) 10mg

TB-500 (Thymosin Beta-4) 10mg

  • Product Item : 77591-33-4
  • Category: Peptides
  • CAS:77591-33-4
  • High Purity 99%
  • white powder
  • 5mg/10mg

TB-500 is a synthetic version of the naturally occurring peptide present in virtually alhuman and animal cells, Thymosin Beta-4. This potent peptide is a member of aubiquitous family of 16 related molecules with a high conservation of sequence andlocalization in most tissues and circulating cells in the body. TB-500 not only binds toactin, but also blocks actin polymerization and is the actin-sequestering molecule ineukaryotic cells.

TB-500 was identified as a gene that was up-regulated four-to-six fold during early bloodvessel formation and found to promote the growth of new blood cells from the existingvessels. This peptide is present in wound fluid and when administered subcutaneously, itpromotes wound healing, muscle building and speeds up recovery time of muscles fibresand their cells. An additional key factor of TB-500 s that it promotes cell miarationthrough a specific interaction with actin in the cell cytoskeleton. lt has been demonstratedthat a central small amino acid long-actin binding domain has both blood cell reproductionand wound healing characteristics These characteristics are uncovered by acceleratinothe migration of endothelial cells and keratinocytes. it also increasesthe production ofextracellular matrix-degrading enzvmes.

Studies demonstrate that TB-500 is a potent, naturally occurring wound repair factor withanti-inflammatory properties, T34 is different from other repair factors, such as growthfactors, in that it promotes endothelial and keratinocyte miaration, lt also does not bind tothe extracellular matrix and has a very low molecular weight meaning it can travelrelativelv long distances through tissues. One of TB-500 key mechanisms of action is itsability to regulate the cell-buildina protein Actin. a vita component of cell structure andmovement, Of the thousands of proteins present in cells. actin represents up to 10% othe total proteins which therefore plavs a maior role in the cenetic makeup of the cell.




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