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  • ACE-031 1mg

ACE-031 1mg

ACE-031 peptide, also known as ACVR2B (activin receptor type IIB) peptide, is a fusion compound consisting of the activin receptor type IIB and recombinant immunoglobulin IgG1 FC, which is a form of antibody (2). Research indicates peptide is soluble, and studies suggest it may bind with myostatin protein to prevent inhibiting muscle growth. Besides this, the peptide also shows positive potential for metabolism activities, fat storage, and sperm health.

The endogenous myostatin protein was first discovered in 1997, when some inhibitory action on muscle growth was observed in comparative studies in mice (1). This ACE-031 peptide is the engineered (or synthetic) version of the naturally occurring ACV2RB receptors.

Research and Clinical Studies
ACE-031 Peptide and Muscle Protection
A clinical trial (3) was conducted in postmenopausal women to determine the potential of the peptide in muscle protection. As part of the study, 48 female subjects were selected who were divided into two groups – one group received the placebo while the others received ACE-031 peptide. After 15 days, all female subjects were examined. The participants who were given the peptide exhibited an apparent 3.3% increase in their body muscle mass and 5.1% increase in their thigh muscle mass.

ACE-031 Peptide and Metabolism, Energy
Scientific research (5) in mice has suggested that myostatin not only might prevent muscle growth but also may negatively affect the energy metabolism in muscles. Studies in mice (5) have suggested that by blocking the naturally occurring ACE-031 proteins, lactate levels increase and may cause severe damage to the metabolic energy of the muscles.

ACE-031 Peptide and Strength
Continuous research (6) by scientists has suggested that the potential of the peptide may extend beyond myostatin inhibition. By potentially preventing oxidative stress in muscles, the peptide may improve the capacity of the muscle tissue to generate a force, and in turn preserve energy and stimulate the muscles toward oxidative respiration. When the compound was given to mice, it was reported by the researchers to imporve the maximal contractile force in mice by 40% and total contractile force in mice by 25%.

ACE-031 Peptide and Bone Density
As part of the research (7), 32 mice were subjected to this study where the mice were divided into two groups and were either given a placebo or the peptide once a week for 7 weeks. After the completion of the study, it was observed that the ACE-031 peptide mice appeared to exhibit increased muscle mass and excessive body weight, along with increased density in bones. Upon further study, it was suggested by the researchers that the increased bone density might not be incidental, but was perhaps due to enhanced mineralization that boosted bone strength by almost 30% in the peptide mice.






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